Wednesday, March 14, 2012

11 years and still counting...

Wish everyone have a great White Day :D
make sure you spend this special day with your beloved ones and don't forget to show them how much they are being loved back okay (yeah DEAR SAMI I hope you are reading these words XD)

Also as many of you may know, today is w-inds. Birthday! :*:・( ´ ▽ ` )・:*:

It's already 11th year!! Time really flies neh? Just this time last year we was praying for Japan, spreading any tiny bit of information we had and of course, didn't forget to spend a few minutes to send w-inds. members best wishes... How memorable.

Have you done it this year? We have been using several harshtags for trending: , , , and several other ones. So if you are on Twitter, come and join the party! (`・ω・´)ゞ♪

By the way, last week I did a small group order of w-inds. badge and received them yesterday; look how pretty and cute they are

I will send them out tonight at the w-inds. Vietnamese fans' gathering, so excited for it!! o(≧▽≦)o♥

Gonna upload some photos of the party tomorrow~ XD

☆*:.。. 11 YEARS AND STILL COUNTING...!!!!!!!!! .。.:*☆


Kumiko Leiko said...

Woohoo! Happy 11th anniversary to w-inds.! ^O^

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